About Us » 2023-2028 Strategic Plan

2023-2028 Strategic Plan

153 Core Values

2023-2024 Strategic Plan: Goals and Action Steps

Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment

Ensure that instruction, assessment and reporting of learning standards is consistent across all grade levels.
  • Ensure that all common summative assessments are aligned to priority standards that have been identified and updated for all content areas and grade levels.
  • Review existing research on the reporting of learning and match best practices based on the grade level.
Implement research-based instructional strategies that promote student engagement and give equitable access to a rich and representative curriculum.
  • Ensure all staff is trained in engagement strategies.
  • Conduct curriculum audits on all proposed adoptions.

Student Needs

Implement practices and programs that address the social and emotional needs of students.
  • Survey all students to determine the level of emotional support needed.
  • Review existing SEL program and alternatives to find the best one available to meet this need.
Ensure an inclusive, safe environment that offers opportunities for student growth.
  • Work to inject diversity awareness in all facets of student and staff life.
  • Find ways to incorporate Deep Equity work with the full staff.


Build a fiscal model that is responsible and maintains sufficient fund balances to ensure fiscal stability.
  • Develop a 5-year projection utilizing new revenue gained through the November, 2022 referendum.
  • Establish targets for fund balance growth over the next 5 years and implementing budgeting to meet those targets.

Plan fiscal measures to ensure adequate levels of staff compensation/benefits in a competitive market.
  • Complete market analysis to develop comparables for south suburban school districts.
  • Identify creative forms of compensation to attract and retain employees.


Create new spaces that address the educational needs of students in a safe environment.
  • Conduct enrollment projections for students in grades Pre-K through 8 for the next 10 years.
  • Conduct a safety audit to identify a list of needs in this area.
Prioritize and address the needs of aging facilities.
  • Develop a master plan of all annual maintenance needs for the next 5 years.
  • Utilize architects to review facilities and establish priorities.

Human Resources

Increase recruitment and retention by ensuring a positive and supportive climate and culture.
  • Survey staff on their views regarding climate and culture.
  • Research strategies to improve climate and culture and implement at least 1 per year.
Implement various strategies to recruit and retain a staff that is reflective of our community.
  • Identify diversity gaps in our organization by creating a document that shows multiple diversity and inclusion measures of our current staff in comparison with desired outcomes and current applicant pool.
  • Research strategies shown to be effective in the recruitment of minority candidates and implement at least one.

Community/Public Relations

Focus on strategies to ensure equity and accessibility of information.
  • Survey families regarding their views on communications from the schools/district.
  • Implement streamlined communications where similar messages from each building occur in one place.
Increase involvement of all families in school activities.
  • Assemble a list of all programs currently in place and for which family engagement is desired.
  • Implement one new engagement strategy per year for the next 5 years.

Many thanks for the contributions and support from the participants of the Strategic Long Range Planning Committee:

Cece Belue Kevin Keane Nikki Sawilchik
Ashanti Bethea Jodi Klyn Kathy Schaeflein
Broderick Booth Jessica Kors Jim Schmidt
Alex Bosch Chris Kovarik Sara Schnoor
Mike Carr   Mike Lagger Anne Siegler
Cheri Cieplucha Melissa Lawson Colleen Spain
Paris Clayton Melanie Mandisodza Henry Stuttley
Kimeon Cruikshank Shelly Marks Colin Thomas
Melinda DuBose Scott McAlister Starr Thornton
Dori Elmore Nathalie Mingo Eric Trimberger
Brian Fogarty Janice Moore Sharon Turner-Wingba
Brian Garland Cherie Mulling Meghan Welsh
John Gibson Jenn Munson Patty Welsh
Jo Greep Camille O'Quinn Lisa Wendt
Rachel Hardy Jaime Paicely Beth White
Deb Havighorst Natalie Palaggi Aleasa Williamson
Rachel Hennigan Sharon Perry Nancy Wood
Kim Johnson Teresa Riley Sarah Yong
Maggie Jones   Lauren Roman Hope Zawaski
  Aredell Roundtree