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Food Services

School Breakfast and Lunch Program

In 2024-2025, District 153 will continue to offer breakfast in addition to our lunch program. Breakfast will be a bagged “grab and go” service. Menus will comply with the federal nutritional requirements set by the National School Breakfast Program.


The school district’s breakfast and lunch programs comply with federal nutritional requirements set by the National School Lunch Program. 

School cafeterias in Homewood School District #153 use a CASHLESS, computerized management system. 
  • In the 2024-25 school year, the price of a school lunch is $3.35, and breakfast is $2.45. The price of a reduced breakfast is $.30 and reduced lunch is $.40.
  • Milk cost is 30¢ per half pint. Juice is 50¢.
  • Each child will have an account in the cafeteria management system for lunch purchases. As the child goes through the breakfast and/or lunch line, he/she will need to enter a specific 4-digit PIN (personal identification number) into a key pad. Students will keep the same PIN number from year to year. Students new to the school district will receive a PIN number on the first day of school. If a student forgets his/her PIN, the cashier will be able to assist. All food purchases will require their PIN. 
  • Lunch money must be deposited in advance into your student's account using the Parent Portal.
  • Applications for the free and reduced price breakfast/lunch federal program are available beginning in early July at the District Office or can be downloaded by clicking the link above.  Families who apply for and qualify for free or reduced meals will be notified by mail within ten days of the date of application. Please deposit funds/money in your student's account for a school breakfast/lunch or send a sack lunch from home with your child until you have received notification of approval. Families must re-apply for free or reduced meals each year.
  • Eighth-graders cannot charge or accumulate any debt one week prior to the last attendance day of the school year. In addition, all debt must be paid in full one week prior to the last attendance day.
All pupils, except those in EC/Pre-K, may use the cafeteria. Students are urged to use the cafeteria service. Meals can not be specially prepared for children with diet restrictions. Students with such restrictions should bring their lunches from home.

Lunchroom behavior procedures will be provided to all students who use the facilities. Students and lunchroom supervisors will review the procedures the first week of school. Copies are available in the school office.

District 153 Wellness Policy
Contact Anne Simons, Food Service Director, at (708) 922-2417 if you have any questions regarding food services.